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A Composable New World!

Carlos Mota

Lead Software Engineer

Avancee Software


As our Twitter streams become flooded with the release of Jetpack Compose 1.0, it's time to jump into the UI declarative world and reform the XML and all of the `findViewById` calls that exist scattered throughout the code.

Join me in this talk to see the first steps into this composable new world and build your first app (with Compose)!

Carlos Mota is an Android GDE. He can easily be spotted either working on Android applications or developing them along with Kotlin Multiplatform. Enthusiastic about new technology and always trying to reach those last 20% of all of his side projects that seem to be really far away. He loves to share his knowledge with others either by giving talks, teaching, writing, or along with a cold beer in the nearest pub. Kotlin evangelist, he also has a huge passion for travel, photography, and space.

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