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  • How do I get to droidcon Egypt?
    All informations about our venue and how to get to us you can find here.
  • Can you send me a visa invitation letter?
    Yes, we can issue a visa invitation letter after you bought a ticket. Please fill this typform with your personal information. ​
  • Information for people with special needs and accessibility issues
    The CityCube Berlin was built with accessibility in mind. All areas are accessible with wheelchairs and for people with disabilities. If you require a service or have a special request, please contact us at at least one week before the event so we can get back to you with a response.
  • Are there options to participate in a Diversity & Inclusion program?
    Sadly we cannot help with travel or accommodation costs but want to take the opportunity do offer diversity tickets through our great community partners Woman Techmakers Berlin.
  • Will there be a cloak room?
    Yes! You can leave your jacket and bags with us.
  • Will food and drinks be provided?
    Water and coffee will be provided throughout the whole time. Two smaller breaks with snacks in the morning and afternoon, as well as lunch, will be provided to keep you at strength on each day. For the general party we will have several soft drikns for all participants. Of course all free of charge :)
  • Will sessions be recorded?
    Yes, all sessions will be recorded and later published on our website at
  • I want to see two sessions that are running at the same time. What can I do?
    You could clone yourself ;) Or be happy, that all sessions will be recorded and later on published on our website. You can also book a Group ticket so that your whole team can attend.
  • Do you have child care at droidcon Berlin?
    We are still currently evaluating the demand. If you are interested, please contact us at
  • What is the general party?
    After the first conference day, October 21st, our droidcon Egypt General Party will take place. The General Party is for every participant of droidcon Egypt.


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